Travel Tips

What to expect


There are hundreds of hotels in Accra and they vary considerably in quality and price. The less expensive hotels do not meet North American or European standards. Hotels listed in No Worries are two stars or more. A few guesthouses are also recommended. A more exhaustive list can be obtained from the Ghana Tourist Board.

All 2- star hotels generally have airconditioning, television, satellite dish, and telephone. We list hotels which meet a minimum acceptable quality within several price ranges.


Outside Accra

It is advisable, particularly when traveling outside Accra, to plan to reach your destination before sunset. Traveling at night can be dangerous. Roads may be in poor condition and not lit, and signs hard to find.

We rate the hotels outside Accra as expensive when a double room (for two) is US$100 or more. Moderate hotels are those whose double rooms are in the US$50 - 100 range. Inexpensive hotels are the most reasonably priced, but should still offer acceptable accommodations.

When traveling upcountry bring mosquito repellent and drinking water. You may also want to bring your own sheets and towels, just to be sure.

Last modified on Friday, 19 August 2011 10:14