Suggest a new listing
  1. Know a great place in Accra that's not yet listed? Use this form to let us know.

    We encourage NAWA members to suggest listings. That'a what makes No Worries unique - trusted personal recommendations from its members.

  2. Your Full Name(*)
    Please type your full name.
  3. Are you a NAWA Member?(*)
    Please choose yes or no.
  4. Your E-mail(*)
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    Please ensure this is a valid email address, so we can respond to your request.
  5. Listing/Company Details:
  6. Listing/Company Name(*)
    Please enter the company name.
    Type the name of the listing/company.
  7. Location / Address(*)
    Please enter an address or location
  8. Description(*)
    Please type the description details.
  9. Telephone
    Invalid Input
  10. Opening Hours
    Invalid Input
  11. Company Email
    Please enter a valid email.
    Email address of the listing organisation/company. (optional)
  12. Website
    Invalid Input
  13. Type the letters you see
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    Type the letters you see, to confirm you are human.

  15. If for some reason you cannot use this form, please send a direct email with the details to